Sunday, August 30, 2009

Holy Crap!!!

So, I had an interesting experience last night. Rachel had just given McKay a bath, and, as he does every time he has a bath, he began to run around in a less-than-decent statew (naked). I let him go for a couple of minutes because he looked like he was having such a great time running and squealing like a 14-month-0ld.

He was so happy, it seemed a shame to stop him, but I didn't necessarily want to encourage the behaviour. So, I called him over to lay on the floor so I could put his diaper on. When he came over, I turned around to grab a diaper out of the closet.

It hadn't been more than 30 seconds when I turned back to McKay. As I did, he was getting up to his feet and walking away. Upon closer examination, I realized that he was not getting up from sitting but rather from squatting. In the exact spot where he had been squatting was a lovely little pile... Yep, you guessed it... He had, in the 30 seconds I wasn't looking, done his business (#2) right in the middle of his bedroom. In shock, I called Rachel in to look at what he had done. I, of course, was the one who had to do the dirty work of cleaning up the mess. It wasn't all that bad, but nobody likes to clean stuff like that up (except maybe my father-in-law... lots of practice with the dog).

Anyway, it was an exciting time and it cleaned up very nicely.... I can't even tell where it was anymore. It'll be a good story to tell his wife someday :)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

School has begun!

Dave had his first week of school and oh my, I fear that we are being trained to live without him - he was gone a lot, but when he was home he seemed very happy, though tired, and always had a fun story to tell about the things going on with school. They had an activity every night that he had to be to because he is on exec council, one night it was mud volleyball at the river, one night it was slip and slide kickball, one night an open swim for the high school and another was a barbecue for the new students. He had council meetings at lunch and after school, so he was very busy. The week before school started he was at the school every morning by 5 or 6 to personalize the parking spots for the seniors. The whole council came and helped him, but it was quite a week, because when they finished each day at nine am, they had to then go into the school to be there for registration at the school until 3 each day. He was very tired, but is having a great time with the other members of the council and all of the students that come to the activities. Next week they will be having auditions for the high school musical "7 Brides for 7 Brothers", it will be fun to see which part he gets, he is preparing well so that he won't be scared to death at auditions. Hopefully it goes well - we'll keep you posted.

Becky came home for a few days this week during her break, it was so fun to have her here. She brought her roommate from last semester, Chelsi, she is a cute girl and we enjoyed having them both here. They came Wednesday night and we had a good dinner together and then watched a movie, the next day I worked half a day and then we went to a mattinee together and that night had a good dinner and played several rounds of clue, which was fun. The next day I had to work again and they had to leave that afternoon, but I came home for lunch and made them panini's and a fruit smoothie and we watched the video from Sarah's birthday when Becky was like three and we watched the clip of when they were telling the scarey story and Becky gets scared and runs into Sarah's arms for cute!

Friday night we took Dave out to the new restaurant in town called "The Brick Oven" for those of you who have been to Provo it is the same one as in Provo, and has a great salad bar and pizza, so that was a big treat and we had fun catching up with him. Life is busy, but good and we hope it is good for all of the rest of you - we miss you and love you! Theresa, Mark and Dave

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Baird Family Grapevine

Okay - next phase of the grapevine is to see if we can do a blog instead to see if we can get more going in the way of information flowing between us all! I hope this helps - I know that some of you have blogs already and I will place links here so that we can all check on those of you who are up and going - but if you want to share something with the whole family please paste it here or put a separate entry so that we can keep in touch - I hope you enjoy it and and I want you to know I love you all and miss you! Theresa