Sunday, August 30, 2009

Holy Crap!!!

So, I had an interesting experience last night. Rachel had just given McKay a bath, and, as he does every time he has a bath, he began to run around in a less-than-decent statew (naked). I let him go for a couple of minutes because he looked like he was having such a great time running and squealing like a 14-month-0ld.

He was so happy, it seemed a shame to stop him, but I didn't necessarily want to encourage the behaviour. So, I called him over to lay on the floor so I could put his diaper on. When he came over, I turned around to grab a diaper out of the closet.

It hadn't been more than 30 seconds when I turned back to McKay. As I did, he was getting up to his feet and walking away. Upon closer examination, I realized that he was not getting up from sitting but rather from squatting. In the exact spot where he had been squatting was a lovely little pile... Yep, you guessed it... He had, in the 30 seconds I wasn't looking, done his business (#2) right in the middle of his bedroom. In shock, I called Rachel in to look at what he had done. I, of course, was the one who had to do the dirty work of cleaning up the mess. It wasn't all that bad, but nobody likes to clean stuff like that up (except maybe my father-in-law... lots of practice with the dog).

Anyway, it was an exciting time and it cleaned up very nicely.... I can't even tell where it was anymore. It'll be a good story to tell his wife someday :)

1 comment:

  1. hilarious! Oh the things we have to do as a parent - it is a good thing that there are so many more great things than .....well let's just say....not so great things!
